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 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you

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MessageSujet: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:33

rose-lynn anna brythe
« don't need to shake my ass for you 'cause i've got a brain »

NOM : Brythe, patronyme synonyme de pouvoir et de notoriété ici, à Dillon. PRENOMS : Rose-Lynn, Anna, plus communément appelée Rosie, où Rose, tout simplement. DATE DE NAISSANCE : Dix huit février mille neuf cent quatre vingt seize. LIEU DE NAISSANCE : Dillon, ville où elle a passé la majeur partie de sa vie. ORIGINE : Américaines. NATIONALITÉ : Américaine. MÉTIER/ETUDE : Elle est en dernière année (senior) au lycée de Dillon. GROUPE : Don't mess with football. AVATAR : Gabriella Sexiness Wilde.  QUALITÉS : Rose est une personne douce, attentionnée, responsable et mature. Fidèle, elle est toujours là pour ses amis, et sa famille compte énormément pour elle. DÉFAUTS : La jeune femme est néanmoins très coquette, elle aime prendre soin de son physique avantageux. Elle est également influençable, de part sa fragilité, même si elle peine à l'admettre. De plus, elle est légèrement vaniteuse, et aime se trouver sou les feu de la rampe, plus grâce à son cerveau qu'a sa plastique, d'ailleurs.



#01. Depuis quand êtes-vous en ville ?

   #02. Que signifie le mot Panthers pour vous ?

   #03.  Pour toi le football c'est ?

   #04.  Ce qui te plait à Dillon ?

   #05.  Tu es plutôt ?

   #06.  Les études pour toi c'est ?

   #07.  Tu as la foi au point de ?

   #08.  Quel sport est ton favori ?

   #09.  Un job ?

   #10.  Le meilleur poste dans un match de foot ?


   Ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime • ce que ton personnage aime

   Ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste • ce que ton personnage déteste •



PRENOM : samantha. AGE : dix sept ans. COMMENT ES-TU ARRIVE ICI : j'ai stalké le forum sur google  (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 60675989 et j'ai suivi le projet sur bazzart, sans rien mettre, comme une voleuse (mais j'me soigne...) . CONNAIS-TU LA SÉRIE FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS : je viens de m'y mettre  (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3996171746 . PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ OU SCÉNARIO : poste vacant. UN PETIT MOT : mot. Je sais, mon humour sophistiqué vous a déjà conquis  (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 398021796  



Dernière édition par Rose-Lynn A. Brythe le Mar 9 Sep - 22:24, édité 4 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:33

the story of my life
« citation qui va bien ici même »

Ecrire ici l'histoire de ton personnage, nous ne demandons simplement 15/20 lignes. Le format est libre, tu peux procéder comme bon te semble. Lettre, journal intime, pavé récapitulatif, c'est au choix. Sed laeditur hic coetuum magnificus splendor levitate paucorum incondita, ubi nati sunt non reputantium, sed tamquam indulta licentia vitiis ad errores lapsorum ac lasciviam. ut enim Simonides lyricus docet, beate perfecta ratione vieturo ante alia patriam esse convenit gloriosam.

Iamque lituis cladium concrepantibus internarum non celate ut antea turbidum saeviebat ingenium a veri consideratione detortum et nullo inpositorum vel conpositorum fidem sollemniter inquirente nec discernente a societate noxiorum insontes velut exturbatum e iudiciis fas omne discessit, et causarum legitima silente defensione carnifex rapinarum sequester et obductio capitum et bonorum ubique multatio versabatur per orientales provincias, quas recensere puto nunc oportunum absque Mesopotamia digesta, cum bella Parthica dicerentur, et Aegypto, quam necessario aliud reieci ad tempus.

Paphius quin etiam et Cornelius senatores, ambo venenorum artibus pravis se polluisse confessi, eodem pronuntiante Maximino sunt interfecti. pari sorte etiam procurator monetae extinctus est. Sericum enim et Asbolium supra dictos, quoniam cum hortaretur passim nominare, quos vellent, adiecta religione firmarat, nullum igni vel ferro se puniri iussurum, plumbi validis ictibus interemit. et post hoe flammis Campensem aruspicem dedit, in negotio eius nullo sacramento constrictus.

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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:34

bienvenuuuue (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 381856991
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Anaëlle C. Brythe
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2014
Messages : 715
Pseudo/Prénom : exotic (Sarah)
Avatar : Eliza Taylor-Cotter
Crédits : exotic | BLINI♦SOUL
Âge : 21 ans
Études/Métier : Lycéenne, Senior

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: Journal du lycée
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:36

ROSYYYYYY (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
Bienvenuuuuue **
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:42

gabriella de mon coeur et le scénarioooo (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 642668045

Bienvenuuuuuuuuuuuue sur LLT !! (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 721868115 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4106648093 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4164757986 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2476565730 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2037143846 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3422384497 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2291465417 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3266650382 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1637127020 cheers (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2173966349 I love you cat (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2589746930 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 60675989 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3625824910 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1570217163 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3107964341 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 942316290 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 685760924 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 381856991 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3702918550 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1394972018 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 642668045 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4067282511 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4140732849 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4021008868 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3580443010 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1122337746 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 341094033 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2698853680 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2780647420 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 589281905 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 235863692 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4011060963 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3400522613 :vap: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3458119204 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4035606516 :keur: :luve: :hug: :yaaah: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 721868115 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4106648093 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4164757986 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2476565730 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2037143846 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3422384497 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2291465417 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3266650382 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1637127020 cheers (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2173966349 I love you cat (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2589746930 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 60675989 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3625824910 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1570217163 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3107964341 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 942316290 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 685760924 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 381856991 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3702918550 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1394972018 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 642668045 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4067282511 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4140732849 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4021008868 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3580443010 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1122337746 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 341094033 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2698853680 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2780647420 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 589281905 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 235863692 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4011060963 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3400522613 :vap: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3458119204 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4035606516 :keur: :luve: :hug: :yaaah:
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Maisy Caldeira
Date d'inscription : 27/07/2014
Messages : 474
Pseudo/Prénom : .TITANIUMWAY (louisette)
Avatar : Rachel Bilson
Crédits : shiya (avatar) .titaniumway (signature)
Âge : vingt trois ans
Études/Métier : infirmière du lycée

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:43

Bienvenue parmi nous poulette & bon courage pour ta fiche (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4035606516 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4140732849
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:46

Bienvenuuuuuuuuue (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 381856991 Gaby (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4035606516
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Oliver G. Mayfield
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2014
Messages : 322
Pseudo/Prénom : BLINI♦SOUL ๑ Amy
Avatar : Sean Maguire
Crédits : BLINI♦SOUL (ava) ๑ tumblr (gifs) ๑ .TITANIUMWAY (signature)
Âge : 37 ans
Études/Métier : Lieutenant à la caserne (pompier)

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:50

Bienvenue parmi nous (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2291465417 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3702918550 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 341094033 (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2698853680
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 21:57

Merci à vous tous, c'est adorable :luve:
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Marlee Cromwell
Date d'inscription : 22/07/2014
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Pseudo/Prénom : Aline/Pims
Avatar : Shelley Hennig
Crédits : dreamy (avatar) ; endless love (signature)
Âge : 17 ans
Études/Métier : sophomore & emloyée au chenil de Dillon

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: volleyball (attaquante)
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMar 9 Sep - 22:44

bienvenue parmis nous ma belle, tu es divine :keur: (gabriella quoi) n'hésite pas si tu as des questions le staff de LLT est à ta disposition :luve:
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 8:20

Merci beaucoup, Hennig n'est pas mal non plus (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 642668045 J'hésiterais pas, et encore merci (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
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Liam Jefferson
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2014
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Pseudo/Prénom : Aurélie
Avatar : Dylan O'Brien
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Âge : 16 ans
Études/Métier : Lycéen et travaille à la bibliothèque

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 8:21

Bienvenue à toi (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 381856991
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 8:50

Merci à toi (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1570217163
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 10:21

La seule Brythe qui vaut le coup. (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2171783428
Bon courage pour ta fichette et bienvenue sur le forum. (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 10:22

Gabriella est vraiment divine. (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche. (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 17:26

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2937126741
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Babylon J. Parker
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2014
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Pseudo/Prénom : Flappy flap
Avatar : i don't know
Crédits : mon art.
Âge : Bientôt dix sept ans.
Études/Métier : Lycéenne again and again.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: tir à l'arc.
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyMer 10 Sep - 18:52

Bienvenue (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4140732849
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Anaëlle C. Brythe
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2014
Messages : 715
Pseudo/Prénom : exotic (Sarah)
Avatar : Eliza Taylor-Cotter
Crédits : exotic | BLINI♦SOUL
Âge : 21 ans
Études/Métier : Lycéenne, Senior

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: Journal du lycée
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyJeu 11 Sep - 7:30

Teofilo D. Gimenez a écrit:
La seule Brythe qui vaut le coup. (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2171783428

Genre....chut toi là ! (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 3676573147
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyJeu 11 Sep - 8:08

bienvenue parmi nous :hug: bon courage pour ta fiche ♥️
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Aaliyah-Z. Huxtable
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2014
Messages : 169
Pseudo/Prénom : Akorede
Avatar : Kylie Jenner.
Crédits : cranberry.
Âge : 16.
Études/Métier : Lycéenne (Junior)

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: Cheerleaders, High School Committee.
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyJeu 11 Sep - 14:57

bienvenidos (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 1122337746
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Je suis Invité
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyJeu 11 Sep - 21:29

Bienvenue parmi nous (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
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Je suis admin.
Anaëlle C. Brythe
Date d'inscription : 29/06/2014
Messages : 715
Pseudo/Prénom : exotic (Sarah)
Avatar : Eliza Taylor-Cotter
Crédits : exotic | BLINI♦SOUL
Âge : 21 ans
Études/Métier : Lycéenne, Senior

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose !
clubs: Journal du lycée
carnet d'adresse:
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptySam 13 Sep - 9:48

Attention, plus que 4 jours pour finir ta fiche ! (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 4140732849
On se dépèèèèche si tu veux pas te voir supprimer (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 836800836
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Jayden Seyler
Date d'inscription : 09/09/2014
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Pseudo/Prénom : Laora
Avatar : JensenGODAckles
Crédits : Avatar (#CHEVALISSE)
Âge : Trente-deux ans
Études/Métier : Coach assistant coordinateur depuis quelques semaines.
MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptySam 13 Sep - 19:38

Bienvenue (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 235863692
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you EmptyDim 14 Sep - 9:53

Il te reste trois jours pour finir ta fiche, as tu besoin d'un délai ? (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you 2532995828
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MessageSujet: Re: (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you   (ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you Empty

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(ROSE-LYNN) don't let them see your weakness. it's the first thing they use against you

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